Maybe You Feel Called to All of These…

We know that women aren't always just called to just be a writer, a communicator, a business owner, a podcaster, or ministry leader. A lot of women are called to all of the above.

This is why at the end of Go Teams, we give you access to all of the content from every single track. Access everything we've got forever. As long as there is internet, you'll have access to every Go Teams resource.

You don't have to sit at home and wonder how other people do it. We're here to give you everything we've learned so you can keep going in your calling. We need more women using their gifts – like you.

If you feel called to multiple tracks (for example, both Ministry and Writing), don’t worry! Choose which track you’d like community for the long haul — at the end of Go Teams, you’ll receive the replay to every single coaching session. This coaching is invaluable and Go Teams are with you for the long haul.


Start With These 6 Steps.


They’re In Your Corner.