But What Happens After?

But after Go Teams, what happens?

Let these women show you. We're so excited to introduce you to some incredible women on mission who have gone through Go Teams (some even went through the program twice!) and experienced life change firsthand.

After getting the insight, wisdom, and encouragement they needed through Go Teams, they're using their gifts for the good of others and the glory of God. They're running on mission with purpose, clarity, and intention.

Keep scrolling to see!

We don’t believe there are enough women writing, speaking, podcasting, starting businesses, and leading ministries yet.

We believe there is not only room for more, but a need for more. These women are just a few of the hundreds that have experienced transformation after Go Teams – and we pray you're next. We want to come alongside you to help you get started or help you keep going. Join us for Go Teams before it's too late. Registration closes Monday.


Team GATG’s March Favorites


Start With These 6 Steps.